OSU-Caffe Performance with MVAPICH2-GDR

Machine Specifications

CPU Model CPU Core Info Memory IB Card OS OFED GPU CUDA
Intel E5-2690 v3 2x12 @ 2.6Ghz 252GB Mellanox Connect-IB (2x56Gbps) Redhat 6.7 MOFED 3.2 NVIDIA Tesla K80 CUDA 7.5
googlenet strong text

Solver Details

Dataset Network Batch Size Scaling Iterations
ImageNet (ILSVRC 2012) GoogLeNet 1,024 Strong 100
cifar strong

Solver Details

Dataset Network Batch Size Scaling Iterations
CIFAR10 CIFAR10 Quick 8,192 Strong 1,000
mnist strong

Solver Details

Dataset Network Batch Size Scaling Iterations
MNIST LeNet 8,192 Strong 1,000

These numbers were taken on CSCS KESCH System. We would like to thank CSCS staff members for providing us access to this system.