ISC HIGH PERFORMANCE 2022 - Hamburg, Germany
(May 29 - Jun 02, 2022)

Time Location Event Speaker(s)

Sunday, May 29

9:00AM - 6:00PM Hall Y4

High Performance Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Science


DK Panda
H. Subramoni
A. Jain
A. Shafi

Tuesday, May 31

9:00AM - 9:20AM Hall G1

Hy-Fi: Hybrid Five Dimensional Parallel DNN Training on High-Performance GPU Clusters

[Paper Presentation]

H. Subramoni
10:00AM - 10:15AM Hall G1

Live Q&A: Research Paper Session - Machine Learning Systems and Tools (for the Hy-Fi paper)

[Paper Presentation]

H. Subramoni
11:30AM - 12:30PM Hall E

InfiniBand In-Network Computing Technology and Roadmap


DK Panda
1:00PM - 1:20PM Hall G1

"Hey CAI" - Enhancing User Productivity through a Conversational AI Enabled User Interface for HPC Tools

[Paper Presentation]

H. Subramoni
2:20PM - 2:40PM Hall G1

Live Q&A: Research Paper Session - Productivity Tools and Performance Modeling & Tuning (for the “Hey CAI” paper)

[Paper Presentation]

H. Subramoni
4:35PM - 4:55PM Hall G1

Accelerating MPI All-to-All Communication with Online Compression on Modern GPU Clusters

[Paper Presentation]

H. Subramoni
5:15PM - 5:30PM Hall G1

Live Q&A: Research Paper Session - Heterogeneous HPC (for the MPI All-to-All paper)

[Paper Presentation]

H. Subramoni

Wednesday, June 01

1:44PM - 1:48PM Hall D

Cross-layer Visualization of Network Communication for HPC Clusters

[Poster Presentation]

H. Subramoni
DK Panda
1:48PM - 1:52PM Hall D

OMB-Py: Python Micro-Benchmarks for Evaluating Performance of MPI Libraries and Machine Learning Applications on HPC Systems

[Poster Presentation]

H. Subramoni
DK Panda
4:00PM - 4:20PM Hall G1

High-Performance MPI LIbrary for the Cloud: The MVAPICH2 Approach


DK Panda
5:00PM - 5:15PM Hall G1

Live Q&A: HPC in the Cloud, Accessibility, and Performance

[Paper Presentation]

DK Panda

Thursday, June 02

9:00AM - 6:00PM Hall Y3

ExaComm: Seventh International Workshop on Communication Architectures for HPC, Big Data, Deep Learning and Clouds at Extreme Scale


DK Panda
H. Subramoni
A. Shafi