OSU-Caffe Changelog ---------------------- This file briefly describes the changes to the OSU-Caffe software package. The logs are arranged in the "most recent first" order. OSU-Caffe 0.9 (11/10/2016) * Features and Enhancements - Based on Nvidia's Caffe fork (caffe-0.14) - MPI-based distributed training support - Efficient scale-out support for multi-GPU nodes systems - New workflow to overlap the compute layers and the communication - Efficient parallel file readers to optimize I/O and data movement - Takes advantage of Lustre Parallel File System - Exploits efficient large message collectives in MVAPICH2-GDR 2.2 - Tested with - Various CUDA-aware MPI libraries - CUDA 7.5 - Various HPC Clusters with K80 GPUs, varying number of GPUs/node, and InfiniBand (FDR and EDR) adapters